Minggu, Maret 25, 2012
Example of Conversation Gambit
3. How To Say Good Bye ( Cara Mengatakan Selamat Tinggal )
Saying Good Bye or Leave Taking or Parting ( Ucapan Selamat Tinggal atau Perpisahan )
* It is nice or great talking to you
* I'm sorry. I have to go now
* Good Bye
* Bye Bye
* Bye
* See you later
* See you again
* See you tomorrow
* See you
* I am afraid it's time to say good bye
* I think it's time for me to ...
* It is nice or great meeting you
* See you soon
* I think i must be verb 1 + ing
* I am afraid we will have to verb 1
Response of Saying Good Bye or Leave Taking or Parting ( Respon dari Ucapan Selamat Tinggal atau Perpisahan )
* Good Bye. Take care
* Bye. Be careful
* I hope so
* Good bye
* Bye
* Bye for now
* It is nice or great meeting you, too
* It is nice or great talking to you, too
* See you soon
* See you later
* See you again
* See you tomorrow
* See you
Example of Conversation Gambit
2. How To Introduce ( Cara Berkenalan )
Introduction ( Perkenalan )
* I'm ...
* My name is ..., what's your name ?
* Please call me ...
* I'm so pleased to meet you
* How do you do. ( It's a introduction greeting, and replied with "how do you do" too ) ( Itu adalah sebuah salam perkenalan dan dibalas dengan "how do you do" juga )
* I've been looking forward to meeting you. I'm ...
* So glad to meet you
* May i introduce my self ?
* Nice to meet you
* How do you do
* Where do you live ?
* Would you like to introduce yourself ?
* Where do you come from ?
* What is your address ?
Response of Introduction ( Respon dari Perkenalan )
* I live ...
* I come from ...
* Hello
* How do you do.
* So glad to meet you, too
* Nice to meet you, too
* How do you do
Example of Conversation Gambit
1. Meeting and Greeting ( Pertemuan dan Sapaan )
Giving Greeting ( Memberikan Sapaan )
* Good afternoon ( from midday or lunch time to about 6 p.m or sunset ) ( dari tengah hari atau waktu makan siang hingga sekitar jam 6 sore atau matahari terbenam )
* Good morning ( from midnight to noon, it can be used by informal but just "morning" ) ( dari tengah malam hingga siang hari, itu bisa digunakan secara informal tetapi hanya "morning" )
* Good evening ( day between afternoon and bedtime ) ( hari antara setelah siang hari hingga waktu tidur )
* Good night ( darkness between sunset and sunrise, it often can be used for the separation part at night ) ( kegelapan antara matahari terbenam dan matahari terbit, itu seringkali bisa digunakan untuk bagian perpisahan pada malam hari )
* How are you ?
* How is about you ?
* How is everything ?
* How is your day ?
* How nice to see you !
* What a pleasent surprise !
* What's new ?
* Long time, no see.
* Hello
* Hi
* How are things with you ?
* How are you doing ?
* How are you feeling ?
* How is it going ?
* Nice to meet you
* Glad to see you
Response of Giving Greeting ( Respon dari Memberikan Sapaan )
* Good afternoon, too
* Good morning, too
* Good evening, too
* Good night, too
* Well or bad or fine, thanks or thank you. And you ?
* Not much
* Nothing
* Yeah
* I'm so busy
* I'm afraid, i'm not so well
* I'm feeling sick or i feel sick
* Yes, it's quite a while
* Nice to meet you, too
* Glad to see you, too
Rabu, Maret 21, 2012
What's on The Interviews
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, What's on The Interviews adalah Apa Yang Ada pada Wawancara
The interview is a way to collect the data or get the information with
submitting the direct question to the resource persons or authorities or
informants. The elements of interview are usually the resourse persons or
authorities or informants, the interviewer, the location and the list
of question. The resource persons or authorities or informants are the
people who will be interviewed. The interviewer is the person who will
interview. The location is the place that will be used to interview. The
list of question is the list of question that will be asked to the
resource persons or authorities or informants by the interviewer. ( Wawancara adalah suatu cara untuk mengumpulkan data atau memperoleh
informasi dengan mengajukan pertanyaan langsung kepada narasumber atau
otoritas. Unsur - unsur wawancara biasanya adalah narasumber, pewawancara, lokasi dan daftar pertanyaan. Narasumber adalah orang yang diwawancarai. Pewawancara adalah orang yang akan mewawancarai. Lokasi adalah tempat yang digunakan untuk wawancara. Daftar pertanyaan adalah daftar pertanyaan yang akan ditanyakan kepada narasumber oleh pewawancara )
The purposes of the interview ( Tujuan Wawancara )
1. The information material, for example, anything about social, politics, economics problem etc ( Bahan informasi, misalnya apapun tentang masalah sosial, politik, ekonomi dll )
2. The opinion, for example the opinion and the response of the informant towards a problem ( Opini, misalnya opini dan tanggapan narasumber terhadap suatu masalah )
3. The story, for example, to support the litterature writing ( Cerita, misalnya, untuk mendukung penulisan karya sastra )
4. The biography, for example, the biography of the character who will be written ( Biografi, misalnya, riwayat hidup tokoh yang akan ditulis )
The kinds of interview are based on the implementation ( Jenis wawancara berdasarkan pelaksanaannya )
1. The structured interview, it's the interview that is implemented in a
planed with orientating on the list of the question has been prepared ( Wawancara terstruktur adalah wawancara yang dilaksanakan secara terencana dengan berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan yang sudah disiapkan )
2. The no structured interview, it's the interview that doesn't orientate on the list of question ( Wawancara tak terstruktur adalah wawancara yang tak berpedoman pada daftar pertanyaan )
The interview has 7 kinds ( Wawancara memiliki 7 macam )
1. The free interview, it's the interview that the structure of
question is determined first and the conversation is depended to the
speaker's mood ( Wawancara bebas adalah wawancara yang susunan pertanyaan ditentukan lebih dulu dan pembicaraannya tergantung kepada suasana pembicara )
2. The guided interview, it's the interview with using the list of question that has been prepared before ( Wawancara terpimpin adalah wawancara dengan menggunakan daftar pertanyaan yang sudah disiapkan sebelumnya )
3. The individual interview, it's the interview that is done by someone with the single respondent ( Wawancara individual adalah wawancara yang dilakukan oleh seorang dengan responden tunggal )
4. The group interview, it's the interview that is done by the people in the same time ( Wawancara kelompok adalah wawancara yang dilakukan oleh sekelompok orang dalam waktu yang bersamaan )
5. The conference interview, it's the interview between a interviewer
with some respondents or some interviewers with a respondent ( Wawancara konferensi adalah wawancara antara pewawancara dengan beberapa responden atau beberapa pewawancara dengan seorang responden )
6. The open interview, it's the interview that is based on the question that has the unlimited answer ( Wawancara terbuka adalah wawancara yang berdasarkan pertanyaan yang jawabannya tak terbatas )
7. The close interview, it's the interview is based on the question that has the limited answer ( Wawancara tertutup adalah wawancara berdasarkan pada pertanyaan yang jawabannya terbatas )
The steps of interview ( Langkah - Langkah Wawancara )
1. Determine the topic of interview ( Menentukan topik wawancara )
2. Determine the resource person or authority or informant that is adjusted with the topic of interview ( Menentukan narasumber yang disesuaikan dengan topik wawancara )
3. Find out the identity of resource person or authority or informant generally ( Mengetahui identitas narasumber secara umum )
4. Connect or confirm the resource person or authority or informant that will be interviewed ( menghubungi atau mengkonfirmasi narasumber yang akan diwawancarai )
5. Make the outline or list of question ( Membuat garis besar atau daftar pertanyaan )
6. Learn the problem that link with the topic of interview ( Mempelajari masalah yang berkaitan dengan topik wawancara )
7. Prepare the tool to note the result of interview ( Menyiapkan alat bantu untuk mencatat hasil wawancara )
The interview ethics ( Etika Wawancara )
1. Come on time by appoinment ( Datang tepat waktu sesuai perjanjian )
2. Be courteous, fair and friendly ( Bersikap sopan santun, wajar dan ramah )
3. Give the simple and mild question first ( Memberikan pertanyaan yang ringan dan sederhana lebih dulu )
4. Ask with the clear and brief sentence by the topic of interview ( Menanyakan dengan kalimat yang jelas sesuai topik wawancara )
5. Keep away the private question ( Menghindari pertanyaan yang bersifat pribadi )
6. Note the important things of the interview result and conclude with te self ( Mencatat hal - hal yang penting hasil wawancara dan menyimpulkannya sendiri )
7. Don't interrupt while the resource person or authority or informant is speaking ( Jangan menyela ketika narasumber sedang berbicara )
8. After the interview finish, say thank you ( Setelah wawancara selesai, mengucapkan terima kasih )
9. Summarize the result of the interview ( Merangkum hasil wawancara )
Listen to the information of the interview is the activity that is useful because can add the insight towards the topic ( Menyimak informasi dari kegiatan wawancara merupakan kegiatan yang
bermanfaat karena dapat menambah wawasan terhadap topik yang diangkat )
The resume is a brief presentation of an original writing or the
result of conversation with maintain the sequence content or the
statement according with the article or the original conversation and
fixed in accordance with the viewpoint essay writer or speaker ( Rangkuman atau ringkasan adalah penyajian singkat dari sebuah tulisan
asli atau hasil pembicaraan dengan tetap mempertahankan urutan-urutan
isi atau pernyataan-pernyataan sesuai dengan karangan atau pembicaraan
aslinya,serta tetap sesuai denagn sudut pandng penulis karangan atau
pembicara )
Resume / Working on Resume
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, resume atau working on resume adalah lembaran seperti daftar riwayat hidup, namun di negara tertentu, resume dikatakan lebih pendek secara substansial daripada daftar riwayat hidup.
A resume / working on resume is a one or two page summary of relevant
your skills, job experience and education. Resume is a document used by
individuals to present their background and skillsets. Resume can be
used for a variety of reasons but most often to secure new employment.
The purpose of a resume is to stimulate the interest of a potential
employer enough to want to interview you. Resumes provide a brief
overview of your skills and experience and demonstrate your aptitude for
the job you are applying for. You might use a resume at job fairs and
informational interviews, to answer job ads, to accompany a request for a
letter of recommendation, and as part of a graduate school application.
The resume is comparable to a curriculum vitae (CV) in many countries,
although in English Canada and the United States resum is substantially
shorter than CV. ( Sebuah resume / working on resume adalah satu atau dua halaman ringkasan dari keterampilan yang relevan, pengalaman kerja dan pendidikan. Resume adalah sebuah dokumen yang digunakan oleh individu - individu untuk menhadirkan latar belakang dan keahlian mereka. Resume juga digunakan untuk berbagai alasan tetapi paling sering untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan baru. Tujuan dari sebuah resume adalah untuk merangsang minat para majikan yang cukup potensial untuk ingin mewawancarai Anda. Resume memberikan gambaran singkat mengenai keahlian dan pengalaman Anda dan menunjukkan bakat Anda untuk pekerjaan yang Anda lamar. Anda mungkin menggunakan resume di pekerjaan yang adil dan wawancara informasi, untuk menjawab iklan pekerjaan, untuk menemani permintaan surat rekomendasi, dan sebagai bagian dari aplikasi sekolah pascasarjana. Resume sebanding dengan riwayat hidup (CV) di banyak negara, meskipun dalam bahasa Inggris Kanada dan Amerika Serikat resume secara substansial lebih pendek dari CV )
Ingrid Montealegre
objective ( tujuan )
I am currently a computer science doctoral student at the Graduate
Center, CUNY. I am available for small project consulting from time to
time. ( Saat ini saya seorang mahasiswa ilmu komputer doktoral di Graduate Center, CUNY. Saya tersedia untuk konsultasi proyek kecil dari waktu ke waktu. )
work experience ( pengalaman kerja )
2000-present ( 2000 - sekarang )
consultant specializing in identifying and proposing solutions to client
specific computer needs, training, network services, web site design,
and custom database solutions. ( Independen konsultan yang mengkhususkan diri dalam mengidentifikasi dan mengusulkan solusi untuk kebutuhan komputer klien tertentu,, pelatihan layanan jaringan, desain situs web, dan solusi database kustom. )
partial list of clients : ( sebagian daftar klien )
Sue Sternberg
Design and maintain web site, including e-commerce solution.
Consulate General of Chile
Design, implement, and maintain custom server-client FileMaker Pro
database system automating the processing of consular services.
Features include: ( Fitur termasuk )
monthly financial reports ( Laporan keuangan bulanan )
issuing of documents, such as visas, related to services rendered ( Menerbitkan dokumen, seperti visa, terkait dengan jasa yang diberikan )
password level-data protection ( Password tingkat perlindungan data )
Other Services: ( Layanan Lain )
Web Site design, network design, general consultant. ( Situs web desain, desain jaringan, konsultan umum )
Solus Images ( Solus Gambar )
Implement FileMaker Pro database system to track photographer submissions for online and print catalog. ( Menerapkan sistem database FileMaker Pro untuk melacak submission fotografer untuk online dan katalog cetak. )
Features include: ( Fitur termasuk )
automated exporting to and from other applications, such as Portfolio
financial reports, including invoicing, sales, and shipping
complete image tracking ( otomatis mengekspor ke dan dari aplikasi lain, seperti Portofolio
laporan keuangan, termasuk faktur, penjualan, dan pengiriman
lengkap gambar pelacakan )
education ( pendidikan )
New York Institute of Technology, NYIT
MS, Computer Science, with distinction
New York University, NYU
MA, Early Childhood/Elem. Education, Pi Lambda Theta member
Oberlin College
BA, Computer Art, Independent Major
skill ( keahlian )
FileMaker Pro Soutions Alliance, Associate Member
ADC, Student Member
Java, HTML, C, Pascal, Modula-2, Prolog, Scheme, LOGO, 8086 Assembly Language.
references ( referensi )
Available on request. ( Tersedia berdasarkan permintaan )
Selasa, Maret 20, 2012
Conversation Gambit
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Conversation Gambit adalah Langkah Awal Dalam Percakapan
The main way we make our conversation sound natural is by using
gambits. A gambit is a word or a phrase which helps us to express what
we are trying to say or remark intended to open a conversation. ( Cara utama kita membuat percakapan kita terdengar alami adalah dengan menggunakan gambits. Sebuah gambit adalah sebuah kata atau sebuah ucapan yang membantu memperlihatkan apa yang sedang kita coba untuk katakan atau mengatakan yang dimaksudkan untuk membuka percakapan )
For example, we use a gambit to introduce a topic of a conversation, to link what we have to say to what someone has just said, to agree or disagree, to respond to what we have heard. In one sense, a gambit has a very little meaning–it does not express the opinion, it may only introduce the opinion. On the other hand, if we never use gambits in our conversation, other people will think we are very abrupt, direct, and even rude–they will get a wrong picture of us as people. ( Misalnya, kita menggunakan sebuah gambit untuk memperkenalkan sebuah topik percakapan, untuk menghubungkan apa yang harus kita katakan untuk apa yang telah seseorang katakan, untuk setuju atau tak setuju, untuk menanggapi apa yang telah kita dengar. Di satu sisi, sebuah gambit memiliki arti yang sangat sedikit - itu tidak memperlihatkan opini, itu hanya boleh memperkenalkan opini. Di sisi yang lain, jika kita tak pernah menggunakan gambit dalam percakapan kita, orang - orang juga akan berpikir kita sangat mendadak, langsung dan bahkan kasar - mereka akan mendapatkan gambaran yang salah dari kita sebagai orang )
Phrasal Verb
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Phrasal Verb adalah kata kerja yang sudah berubah dari kata kerja slinya atau asalnya.
A phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and a preposition, a verb and
an adverb, or a verb with both an adverb and a preposition, any of
which are part of the syntax of the sentence, and so are a complete
semantic unit. Sentences may contain direct and indirect objects in
addition to the phrasal verb. A phrasal verb often has a meaning which
is different from the original verb. ( Sebuah phrasal verb adalah sebuah kombinasi dari sebuah kata kerja dan sebuah kata depan atau preposisi, sebuah kata kerja dan sebuah kata keterangan, atau sebuah kata kerja dengan keduanya sebuah keterangan dan sebuah kata depan atau preposisi, setiap yang merupakan bagian dari sintaksis kalimat, dan begitu juga unit semantik lengkap. Disamping itu, kalimat - kalimat boleh mengandung objek langsung dan tak langsung untuk phrasal verb. Sebuah phrasal verb seringkali memiliki arti yang berbeda dari kata kerja aslinya. )
Grammar of phrasal verb ( Tata Bahasa Phrasal Verb )
Some phrasal verbs take an object (transitive), other do not take an object (intransitive). ( Beberapa phrasal verb mengambil sebuah objek yaitu disebut transitif, yang lainnya tak mengambil sebuah objek yaitu disebut intrasitif )
a. The plumber soon sorted out the shower problem (with object) ( dengan objek )
b. The path branched off to the river (no object) ( tanpa objek )
Phrasal verb patterns ( Pola Phrasal Verb )
A phrasal verb contains either a preposition or an adverb (or both), and may also combine with one or more nouns or pronouns. ( Sebuah phrasal verb juga mengandung sebuah preposisi atau sebuah kata keterangan atau keduanya dan boleh juga mengkombinasikan dengan satu atau lebih kata benda atau kata ganti. )
Phrasal verbs that contain a particle such as up (in some traditions
called an adverb, in others a preposition) are called "particle verbs",
and are related to separable verbs in other Germanic languages. There
are two main patterns: intransitive and transitive. ( Phrasal verb yang mengandung sebuah imbuhan seperti up ( dalam beberapa tradisi disebut sebuah kata keterangan, di lain sisi disebut sebuah kata depan atau preposisi ) )
An intransitive particle verb does not have an object: ( Sebuah kata kerja imbuhan intransitif tidak memiliki sebuah objek )
a. When I entered the room he looked up.
A transitive particle verb has a nominal object in addition to the
particle. If the object is an ordinary noun phrase, it can usually
appear on either side of the particle, although very long noun phrases
tend to come after the particle: ( Sebuah kata kerja imbuhan intransitif memiliki benda nominal selain imbuhan. Jika objek itu adalah sebuah frase kata benda biasa, itu biasanya bisa muncul di kedua sisi imbuhan, walaupun frase kata benda yang panjang cenderung muncul setelah imbuhan )
a. Switch off the light.
b. Switch the light off.
c. Switch off the lights in the hallway next to the bedroom in which the president is sleeping.
With some transitive particle verbs, however, the noun phrase object
must come after the preposition. Such examples are said to involve
"inseparable" phrasal verbs: ( Dengan beberapa kata kerja imbuhan transitif, bagaimanapun juga, objek frase kata benda harus datang setelah preposisi. Seperti contoh adalah dikatakan untuk melibatkan "tak terpisahkan" kata kerja phrasal )
(not *The gas gave fumes off.) ( Bukan The gas gave fumes off )
a. The gas gave off fumes.
Other transitive particle verbs still require the object to precede the particle, even when the object is a long noun phrase: ( Kata kerja imbuhan transitif yang lain masih memerlukan objek untuk mendahului imbuhan, bahkan ketika frase kata benda yang panjang )
(not *I cannot tell apart the Beatles.) ( Bukan I cannot tell apart the Beatles )
a. I cannot tell the Beatles apart.
b. I cannot tell the various members of the band called the Beatles apart.
However, some authors would dispute this, arguing that the particle
must be adjacent to the verb whenever the noun phrase is lengthy and
complicated. ( Meskipun demikian, beberapa penulis membantah hal ini, dengan alasan bahwa imbuhan harus berdekatan dengan kata kerja setiap kali frase kata benda panjang dan rumit )
With all transitive particle verbs, if the object is a pronoun, it must, with just one type of exception, precede the particle: ( Dengan semua kata kerja imbuhan transitif, jika objek adalah kata ganti, itu harus, hanya dengan jenis pengecualian, mendahului imbuhan )
a. Switch it off. (not *Switch off it.) ( bukan Switch off it )
b. The smell put them off. (not *put off them) ( bukan Put off them )
c. They let him through. (not *they let through him) ( bukan They let through him )
The exception occurs if the direct object is contrastively stressed, as in Figure out THESE, not THOSE. ( Pengecualian terjadi jika objek langsung adalah dengan memperlihatkan perbedaan seperti pada gambar keluar ini bukan itu )
Gorlach asserts that the position of the noun phrase object before or
after the particle has a subtle effect on the degree to which the phrase
has resultative implication. For example, the simple verb eat makes no
claim on whether or not the result of the eating is that the apple is
completely consumed; whereas the phrasal verb eat up seems to make
different claims on this result, depending on the position of the
particle with respect to the object: ( Gorlach menegaskan bahwa posisi objek frase kata benda sebelum atau sesudah imbuhan memiliki efek halus sejauh mana frase tersebut memiliki implikasi resultative. Untuk contoh, kata kerja sederhana eat, tidak membuat klaim pada apakah atau tidak hasil dari makan adalah bahwa apel sudah benar-benar dikonsumsi, sedangkan phrasal verb eat up tampaknya membuat klaim yang berbeda pada hasil ini, tergantung pada posisi imbuhan terhadap objek )
to eat the apple (neutral for ‘complete’ result) ( netral untuk hasil lengkap )
to eat up the apple (greater possibility for ‘complete’ result) ( lebih besar kemungkinan untuk hasil lengkap )
to eat the apple up (compulsory claim for ‘complete’ result) ( wajib klaim atas hasil lengkap )
Prepositional verbs ( Kata Kerja Preposisional )
Prepositional verbs are phrasal verbs that contain a preposition, which
is always followed by its nominal object. They are different from
inseparable transitive particle verbs, because the object still follows
the preposition if it is a pronoun: ( Kata kerja preposisional adalah phrasal verb yang mengandung sebuah kata depan atau preposisi, yang selalu diikuti objek nominalnya. Mereka berbeda dari terpisahkan kata kerja imbuhan transitif, karena objek masih mengikuti kata depan atau preposisi jika itu adalah sebuah kata ganti )
(not *look them or our grandchildren after) ( Bukan look them or our grandchildren after )
a. On Fridays, we look after our grandchildren.
b. We look after them.
The verb can have its own object, which usually precedes the preposition: ( Kata kerja bisa memiliki objeknya sendiri, yang biasanya mendahului kata depan atau preposisi )
a. She helped the boy to an extra portion of potatoes.
b. with pronouns: She helped him to some.
Prepositional verbs with two prepositions are possible: ( Kata kerja preposisional dengan dua kata depan atau preposisi yang mungkin )
a. We talked to the minister about the crisis.
Phrasal-prepositional verbs ( Phrasal Verb Preposisional )
A phrasal verb can contain an adverb and a preposition at the same time. Again, the verb itself can have a direct object: ( Sebuah phrasal verb bisa mengandung sebuah kata keterangan dan sebuah kata depan atau preposisi pada waktu yang sama. Sekali lagi, kata kerja itu sendiri dapat memiliki objek langsung )
a. no direct object: The driver got off to a flying start. ( bukan objek langsung )
b. direct object: Onlookers put the accident down to the driver’s loss of concentration. ( objek langsung )
Phrasal nouns ( Kata benda yang sudah berubah dari asalnya atau aslinya )
Phrasal nouns consist of a verb combined with a particle. The particle may come before or after the verb. ( Phrasal noun terdiri dari sebuah kata kerja yang dikombinasikan dengan sebuah imbuhan )
a. standby " we are keeping the old equipment on standby, in case of emergency." (ready to be used if necessary) ( siap untuk digunakan jika diperlukan )
b. back-up " Neil can provide technical backup if you need it" (support) ( mendukung )
c. onset " the match was halted by the onset of rain" ( start of something unpleasant) ( mulai dari sesuatu yang tidak menyenangkan )
d. input " Try to come to the meeting- we'd value your input" (contribution) ( kontribusi )
Some such nouns have a corresponding phrasal verbs but some don't, the
phrasal verb set on exist but it means attack, the verb related to onset
is set in. If the particle is in first place, then the phrasal noun is
never written with a hyphen, if the particle comes second, then there is
sometimes a hyphen between the two parts of the phrasal noun. ( Beberapa seperti kata benda tersebut memiliki phrasal verb yang sesuai )
Phrasal verbs and modifying adverbs ( Phrasal Verb dan Memodifikasi Kata Keterangan )
When modifying adverbs are used alongside particle adverbs
intransitively (as particle adverbs usually are), the adverbs can appear
in any verb/particle/adverb positions: ( Ketika memodifikasikan kata keterangan digunakan bersama dengan kata keterangan imbuhan intransitif )
“He unhappily looked round.”
“He looked unhappily round.”
“He looked round unhappily.”
The particle adverb here is "round" and the modifying adverb is
"unhappily". ("Round" is a particle because it is not inflected — does
not take affixes and alter its form. "Unhappily" is a modifying adverb
because it modifies the verb "look"). ( Kata keterangan imbuhan disini adalah "round" dan memodifikasi kata keterangan adalah "unhappily". ( "Round" adalah sebuah imbuhan karena itu tidak diubah - tidak mengambil afiks dan mengubah bentuknya. "Unhappily" adalah sebuah memodifikasi kata keterangan karena itu memodifikasi kata kerja "look" ) )
With a transitive particle verb, the adverb goes either before the verb or after the object or particle, whichever is last: ( Dengan kata kerja imbuhan intransitif, kata keterangan juga berlaku sebelum kata kerja atau setelah objek atau imbuhan, yang mana yang terakhir )
“He cheerfully picked the book up.”
“He picked up the book cheerfully.” (not *picked cheerfully up the book)
“He picked the book up cheerfully.”
Prepositional verbs are different from transitive particle verbs,
because they allow adverbs to appear between the verb and the
preposition: ( Kata kerja preposisional berbeda dari kata kerja imbuhan transitif, karena mereka memperbolehkan kata keterangan untuk muncul diantara kata kerja dan kata depan atau preposisi )
“He desperately looked for his keys.
“He looked for his keys desperately.
“He looked desperately for his keys.
Phrasal verbs combined with special verb forms and clauses ( Phrasal verb dikombinasikan dengan bentuk kata kerja khusus dan klausa )
Courtney also includes special verb forms and clauses in phrasal verb constructions. ( Courtney juga mencakup bentuk - bentuk kata kerja khusus dan klausa dalam konstruksi phrasal verb )
Phrasal verbs combined with wh-clauses and that-clauses ( Phrasal verb dikombinasikan dengan klausa wh dan klausa that
* Sentences which include verb + particle + object / object + wh-clauses ( Kalimat yang mencakup kata kerja + imbuhan + objek + klausa wh )
“The teacher tries to dictate to his class what the right thing to do is”
= transitive verb + preposition (dictate to) + indirect object (his class) + wh-clause (what the right thing to do is). ( Kata kerja transitif + kata depan atau preposisi + objek tak langsung + klausa wh )
“My friends called for me when the time came”
= transitive verb + preposition (called for) + pronoun (me) + wh-clause (when the time came). ( Kata kerja transitif + kata depan atau preposisi + kata ganti + klausa wh )
“Watch out that you don’t hit your head on the low beam”
= intransitive verb + adverb (watch out) + that-clause (that you don’t hit your head on the low beam). ( kata kerja intransitif + kata keterangan + klausa that )
Phrasal verbs combined with verb-ing forms ( Phrasal verb dikombinasikan dengan bentuk verb 1 + ing )
“You can’t prevent me from seeing her”
= transitive verb + pronoun (prevent me) + preposition (from) + verb-ing form (seeing) + pronoun (her). ( Kata kerja transitif + kata ganti + kata depan atau preposisi + bentuk Verb 1 + ing + kata ganti )
Senin, Maret 19, 2012
English is not Phonetic
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, English is not Phonetic adalah Bahasa Inggris bukanlah Fonetik
English is not "phonetic". That means that we do not always say a word the same way that we spell it. ( Bahasa Inggris bukanlah Fonetik. Itu berarti tidak selalu kata yang diucapkan, ejaannya sama dengan pengucapannya )
Some words can have the same spelling but different pronunciation ( Beberapa kata bisa memiliki ejaan yang sama tetapi pengucapannya berbeda )
* I like to read [ri:d]. ( The spelling is r - e -a -d, but the pronounciation is ri:d ) ( ejaannya adalah r - e - a - d, tetapi pengucapannya ri:d )
* I have read [red] that book. ( The spelling is r - e - a - d, but the pronounciation is red ) ( Ejaannya adalah r - e -a -d, tetapi pengucapannya red )
The spelling r - e - a -d in the both of the above sentence have the
different meaning, first sentence is verb 1 of read ( membaca ), second
sentence verb 3 of read ( telah membaca ). ( Ejaan r -e -a -d dalam dua dari kalimat diatas memiliki maksud yang berbeda, kalimat pertama adalah kata kerja pertama dari read yang berarti membaca, kalimat kedua adalah kata kerja ketiga dari read yang berarti telah membaca )
Some words have different spelling but the same pronunciation ( Beberapa kata memiliki ejaan yang berbeda tetapi pengucapannya sama )
* I have read [red] that book. ( The spelling is r - e - a - d, but the pronounciation is red ) ( ejaannya adalah r - e - a - d, tetapi pengucapannya red )
* My favourite colour is red [red]. ( The spelling is r - e - d, but the pronounciation is red ) ( ejaannya adalah r - e - d, tetapi pengucapannya adalah red )
The pronounciation 'red' in the both of the above sentence have the
different meaning, first sentence is verb 3 of read ( telah membaca ), second
sentence is the colour ( warna ). ( Pengucapan 'red' dalam dua dari kalimat diatas memiliki maksud yang berbeda, kalimat pertama adalah kata kerja ketiga dari read yang berarti telah membaca, kalimat kedua adalah termasuk salah satu macam warna yaitu merah )
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Gerunds adalah kata - kata yang gerund
1. As Subject ( Sebagai Subjek )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Gerund As Subject + Object ( Noun or Non Noun )
* Gerund As Subject + Tobe
* Gerund As Subject + Verb
* Gerund As Subject + Adjective
1. Making a kite isn't easy
2. Cooking is a good hobby
3. Swearing doesn't prove anything
4. Being hungry is never fun
2. As Object After Preposition like at, in, on, for, by, with, without, after, before, to, about, of etc ( Sebagai Objek Setelah Kata Depan atau Preposisi seperti at, in, on, for, by, with, without, after, before, to, about, of dll )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Preposition + Gerund As Object is in The Form of Noun ( Gerund Sebagai Objek Berupa Benda )
* Preposition + Gerund As Object is in The Form of Verb 1 + ing ( Gerund Sebagai Objek Berupa Verb 1 + ing )
* The Certain Preposition 'To' + Verb 1 + ing, The Certain Preposition 'To' like object to, look forward to, take to, tobe accustomed to, tobe
used to etc ( Kata - Kata Depan atau Preposisi Tertentu 'To' seperti object to, look forward to, take to, tobe accustomed to, tobe
used to dll ) ( To + Verb 1 +ing = Gerund )
1. Insisted on Seeing Her
2. After Swimming
3. Used To Waiting
3. As Object After Certain Verbs ( Sebagai Objek Setelah Kata Kerja Tertentu )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Verb 1 + ing ( Verb 1 + ing = Gerund )
It's usual for the verbs finish, dread, detest, prevent, avoid, risk,
admit, deny, recollect, delay, postpone, defer, resent, enjoy, fancy,
imagine, forgive, pardon, excuse, keep, continue, suggest, understand,
mind, object, consider, miss, involve, resist, save, anticipate, stand,
endure, help, prevent, no use, no good, worth etc ( Biasa untuk kata - kata kerja finish, dread, detest, prevent, avoid, risk,
admit, deny, recollect, delay, postpone, defer, resent, enjoy, fancy,
imagine, forgive, pardon, excuse, keep, continue, suggest, understand,
mind, object, consider, miss, involve, resist, save, anticipate, stand,
endure, help, prevent, no use, no good, worth dll )
1. Dreads getting
2. Mind Moving
3. Worth Buying
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + To + Verb 1 ( To + Verb 1 = Gerund )
* Verb + Verb 1 + ing ( Verb 1 + ing = Gerund )
* Conditional + To + Verb 1 ( To + Verb 1 = Gerund )
It's usual for the verbs begin, start, continue, attempt, intend, bear,
love, like, hate, prefer, remember, regret, forget, stop, need, want,
require etc ( Biasa untuk kata - kata kerja begin, start, continue, attempt, intend, bear,
love, like, hate, prefer, remember, regret, forget, stop, need, want,
require dll )
1. Begin To Understand
2. Bear Sitting
3. Would Like / Prefer To Stay
Minggu, Maret 18, 2012
Dalam bahasa Indonesia Infinitive adalah Kata Kerja Infinitif atau Tak Tertentu.
Infinitive is classified of 3 parts. The parts are
Infinitive To,
Infinitive Without To and Verb 1 + ing or Gerund or To + Verb 1 (
Infinitive dibagi menjadi 3 bagian. Bagian - bagian itu adalah
Infinitive To, Infinitive Tanpa To dan Verb 1 + ing atau Gerund atau To +
Verb 1 )
3. Infinitive Gerund or Verb 1 + ing ( Active Participle ) or To + Verb 1
a. After Verbs admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, continue, deny, enjoy,
finish, keep, mind, neglect, postpone, practice, risk, leave, catch etc,
always followed by Verb 1 + ing ( Sesudah Kata - Kata Kerja admit, allow, appreciate, avoid, continue, deny, enjoy,
finish, keep, mind, neglect, postpone, practice, risk, leave, catch etc, selalu diikuti oleh Verb 1 + ing )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Verb 1 + ing
1. Admit Helping
2. Allow Striding
b. After Verbs attempt, begin, continue, forget, hate, like, love,
prefer, regret, remember, start, can be followed by Verb 1 + ing or To +
verb 1 ( Sesudah Kata - Kata Kerja attempt, begin, continue, forget, hate, like, love,
prefer, regret, remember, start, bisa diikuti Verb 1 + ing atau To + Verb 1 )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Verb 1 + ing
* Verb + To + Verb 1
1. Begin Undergoing
2. Start To Walk
c. After Preposition like at, in, on, for, by, with, without, after, before etc, always followed by Verb 1 + ing or Noun ( Sesudah Kata Depan atau Preposisi seperti at, in, on, for, by, with, without, after, before etc, selalu diikuti Verb 1 + ing atau Kata Benda )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Preposition + Verb 1 + ing
* Preposition + Noun
1. By Walking
2. For Your Gift
d. After Verbs feel, hear, listen to, notice, observe, see, watch,
smell, find, imagine, catch etc, can be followed by Verb 1 + ing or Verb
1 ( Sesudah Kata - Kata kerja feel, hear, listen to, notice, observe, see, watch,
smell, find, imagine, catch etc, bisa diikuti Verb 1 + ing atau Verb 1 )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Verb 1 + ing
* Verb + Verb 1
1. Hear Telling It
2. Notice Walk
Dalam bahasa Indonesia Infinitive adalah Kata Kerja Infinitif atau Tak Tertentu.
Infinitive is classified of 3 parts. The parts are
Infinitive To,
Infinitive Without To and Verb 1 + ing or Gerund or To + Verb 1 (
Infinitive dibagi menjadi 3 bagian. Bagian - bagian itu adalah
Infinitive To, Infinitive Tanpa To dan Verb 1 + ing atau Gerund atau To +
Verb 1 )
2. Infinitive Without To ( Verb 1 ) ( Infinitive Tanpa To atau Kata Kerja yang Kedua adalah Verb 1 )
a. After Verbs make, let, help, know. This infinitive is usual in the
verb that can't be changed to become Verb 1 + ing like have, see, hear,
notice etc. ( Sesudah kata - kata kerja make, let, help, know. Infinitive ini biasa di dalam kata kerja yang tak bisa diubah menjadi Verb 1 + ing seperti like, have, see, hear, notice dll )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Object + Verb 1
1. Let's Him Buy
2. Made Me Check
3. Have Helped Her Carry
Dalam bahasa Indonesia Infinitive adalah Kata Kerja Infinitif atau Tak Tertentu.
Infinitive is classified of 3 parts. The parts are Infinitive To,
Infinitive Without To and Verb 1 + ing or Gerund or To + Verb 1 ( Infinitive dibagi menjadi 3 bagian. Bagian - bagian itu adalah Infinitive To, Infinitive Tanpa To dan Verb 1 + ing atau Gerund atau To + Verb 1 )
1. Infinitive To
a. After Noun ( Sesudah Kata Benda )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Noun + To + Verb 1
1. Food To Eat
2. Anything To Say ?
3. Cassette Recorder To Listen To
b. After Adjective ( Sesudah Kata Sifat )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Adjective + To + Verb 1
1. Happy To Hear It
2. Proud To Win
3. Difficult To Do
c. After Question Word ( When, Where, What, How etc ) ( Sesudah Kata Tanya seperti When, Where, What, How dll )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Verb + Question Word + To + Verb 1
1. Know What To Cook
2. Tell Me Where To Buy
3. Know How To Solve
d. After Certain Verb ( Setelah Kata Kerja Tertentu )
The example of certain verb is ask, allow, beg, decide, expect, hope,
learn, mean, need, promise, refuse, want, wish, force, invite, lead,
order, persuade, remind, tell, get, compel, cause etc. ( Contoh dari kata kerja tertentu adalah ask, allow, beg, decide, expect, hope,
learn, mean, need, promise, refuse, want, wish, force, invite, lead,
order, persuade, remind, tell, get, compel, cause dll. )
Formula ( Rumus )
* Certain Verb + To + Verb 1
* Certain Verb 2 + To + Verb 1
1. Decide To Study
2. Obliged To Take
A Few - Few - A Little - Little
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, A Few - Few - A Little - Little adalah sedikit.
A Few or Few is used with the countable plural noun. It's usual used inside the positive sentence ( A Few atau Few digunakan dengan kata benda jamak yang dapat dihitung. Itu biasa digunakan di dalam kalimat positif )
Formula ( Rumus )
A Few or Few + The Countable Plural Noun
1. Very Few Friends
2. Few Children
3. A Few Trees
A Little or Little is used with the uncountable plural noun. It's usual used inside the positive sentence ( A Little atau Little digunakan dengan kata benda jamak yang tak dapat dihitung. Itu biasa digunakan di dalam kalimat positif )
Formula ( Rumus )
A Little or Little + The Uncountable Plural Noun
1. Very Little Sugar
2. Little Money
3. A Little Rain
Word Order
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Word Order adalah Urutan Kata
Word order is word arrangement in exact order at
Indonesia grammar.
It's different with Indonesian language ( Urutan kata adalah aturan kata
dalam urutan yang tepat dalam tata bahasa Indonesia ) . The arrangement
is classified
at 2 part ( Aturan kata tersebut diklasifikasikan pada 2 bagian )
2. The words arrangement inside the English sentence ( Aturan Kata di dalam kalimat bahasa Inggris )
Formula ( Rumus )
Subject + Auxiliary Verb ( A.V. ) + Adverb of Frequency ( A.F. ) + Verb
( V ) + Object ( O ) + Adverb of Manner ( M ) + Adverb of Place ( P ) +
Adverb of Time ( T )
Translation of The Formula ( Penjabaran Penjelasan Rumus )
* Subjects like she, he, my son etc ( Subjek seperti she, he, my son dll )
* Auxiliary verbs ( A.V. ) like am, is, are, was, were, can, could,
may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, have, had, need, dare,
ought to, used to, do, does, did ( Kata Kerja Bantu ( A.V. ) seperti am, is, are, was, were, can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, have, had, need, do, does did )
* Adverbs of Frequency ( A.F. ) like never, often, usually, always, ever, hardly etc ( Keterangan Frekuensi ( A.F. ) seperti never, often, usually, always, ever, hardly dll )
* Verbs ( V ) like go, went, gone etc ( Kata Kerja ( V ) seperti go, went, gone dll )
* Objects ( O ) like English, book, novel etc ( Objek ( O ) seperti English, book, novel dll )
* Adverbs of Manner ( M ) like slowly, easily etc ( Keterangan Cara ( M ) seperti slowly, easily dll )
* Adverbs of Place ( P ) like there, America, Indonesia, at ..., on ... etc ( Keterangan Tempat ( P ) seperti there, America, Indonesia, at ..., on ... dll )
* Adverbs of Time ( T ) like yesterday, tomorrow etc ( Keterangan Waktu ( T ) seperti yesterday, tomorrow dll )
^ She has never spoken English fluently at work since last year
Word Order
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Word Order adalah Urutan Kata
Word order is word arrangement in exact order at Indonesia grammar.
It's different with Indonesian language ( Urutan kata adalah aturan kata dalam urutan yang tepat dalam tata bahasa Indonesia ) . The arrangement is classified
at 2 part ( Aturan kata tersebut diklasifikasikan pada 2 bagian )
1. The words arrangement inside the complex noun ( Aturan kata di dalam kata benda majemuk )
Formula ( Rumus )
Noun Determiner / Subjective + Possesive Noun + Ordinal + Enumerator +
Descriptive Adjective / Opinion + Size + Age + Shape + Color + Origin +
Material + Purpose + Noun / Head Noun
Translation of The Formula ( Penjabaran Penjelasan dari Rumus )
* Noun Determiners / Subjectives like a, an, the, possesive pronouns ( my, her, his etc ), both, some, several etc ( Kata Benda Penentu atau Subjektif seperti a, an, the, kata ganti kepunyaan ( my, her, his dll ), both, some, several dll )
* Possesive Nouns like possesive case ( man's, John's, Ani's etc ) ( Kata Benda Kepunyaan seperti hal kepunyaan ( man's, John's, Ani's dll )
* Ordinals like first, second, third etc, last, next, only, same etc, superlatives ( most / est ) ( Urutan seperti first, second, third dll, last, next, only, same dll, bentuk superlatif atau tingkatan paling ( most / est ) )
* Enumerators like cardinal number ( one, two three etc ), few, several, other, numerous, myriad etc ( Pencacah seperti bilangan pokok ( one, two, three dll ), few, several, other, numerous, myriad dll )
* Descriptive Adjectives / Opinions like pretty, strong, beautiful,
interesting, attractive, expensive, courageous, foolish, frightened,
possible etc ( Kata Sifat Deskriptif / Pendapat seperti pretty, strong, beautiful, interesting, attractive, expensive, courageous, foolish, frightened, possible dll )
* Sizes like little, big, small, short, long etc ( Ukuran seperti little, big, small, short, long dll )
* Ages like old, new etc ( Usia seperti old, new dll )
* Shapes like circle, circular, round, square etc ( Bentuk seperti circle, circular, round, square dll )
* Colors like red, green, brown, white, black, colorful etc ( Warna seperti red, green, brown, white, black, colorful dll )
* Origins like French, American, Indonesian, Italian etc ( Asal seperti French, American, Indonesian, Italian dll )
* Materials like leather, cotton, wool etc ( Bahan seperti leather, cotton, wool dll )
* Purposes like racing, riding, sport, history etc ( Tujuan seperti racing, riding, sport, history dll )
* Nouns / Head Nouns like painting, horse, garden, book, sock, victory etc ( Benda atau Kepala Kata Benda seperti painting, horse, garden, book, sock, victory dll )
^ An Ani's first two beautiful big new square colorful Indonesian cotton history painting
A Lot Of or A Lot
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, A Lot Of or A Lot artinya banyak.
A Lot Of or A Lot is used inside news sentence that is accompanied the plural noun that can or can't be calculated ( A Lot Of atau A Lot digunakan di dalam kalimat berita yang disertai kata benda jamak yang bisa atau tak bisa dihitung )
Formula ( Rumus )
1. A Lot Of or A Lot + The Plural Noun Can Be Calculated
2. A Lot Of or A Lot + The Plural Noun Can't Be Calculated
3. Verb + A Lot
1. A Lot Of People
2. A Lot Of Sugar
3. Play a lot
Many - Much
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, many - much memiliki arti banyak.
Many is used in front of the plural noun that can be calculated inside the positive, negative and introgative sentence ( Many digunakan di depan kata benda jamak yang bisa dihitung di dalam kalimat positif, negatif dan pertanyaan )
Formula ( Rumus )
Many + The Plural Noun That Can Be Calculated
1. Many People
2. Many Students
3. Many Trees
Much is used in front of the plural noun that can't be calculated inside the positive, negative and introgative sentence ( Much digunakan di depan kata benda jamak yang tak bisa dihitung di dalam kalimat positif, negatif dan pertanyaan )
Formula ( Rumus )
Much + The Plural Noun That Can't Be Calculated
1. Much Sugar
2. Much Cream
3. Much Money
Direct and Indirect Speech
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan tak langsung.
There is four kinds of direct and indirect speech ( yes / no question, command, statement and introgative 5 W 1 H ) ( Ada empat jenis dari kalimat langsung dan tak langsung yaitu pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya atau tidak, kalimat perintah, pernyataan dan pertanyaan 5W 1H )
Tenses, change Direct into Indirect, but the tense doesn't change if the direct speech uses ask or asks, say or says, want or wants etc ( Verb inf of Subject ). ( Tenses berubah ketika kalimat langsung menjadi tak langsung, tetapi tenses tidak berubah jika kalimat langsung menggunakan ask atau asks, say atau says, want atau wants dll yaitu kata kerja infinitif dari subjek )
D. Formula for Command ( Formula untuk Kalimat Perintah )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject : The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Direct Speech )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject + To + The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Indirect Speech )
a. She asked me : Open the door, please into she asked me to open the door ( : changes into to )
b. She told me : Move quickly into she told me to move quickly ( : changes into to )
Direct and Indirect Speech
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan tak langsung.
There is four kinds of direct and indirect speech ( yes / no question, command, statement and introgative 5 W 1 H ) ( Ada empat jenis dari kalimat langsung dan tak langsung yaitu pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya atau tidak, kalimat perintah, pernyataan dan pertanyaan 5W 1H )
Tenses, change Direct into Indirect, but the tense doesn't change if the direct speech uses ask or asks, say or says, want or wants etc ( Verb inf of Subject ). ( Tenses berubah ketika kalimat langsung menjadi tak langsung, tetapi tenses tidak berubah jika kalimat langsung menggunakan ask atau asks, say atau says, want atau wants dll yaitu kata kerja infinitif dari subjek )
C. Formula for Yes No Question ( Formula untuk Pertanyaan dengan Jawaban Ya atau Tidak )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject : The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Direct Speech )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject + if or whether + The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Indirect Speech )
1. Direct ( Simple Present Tense ) so Indirect ( Simple Past Tense or Present Perfect Tense )
a. John says to Anne : do you like chocolate ? into John says if or
whether she likes chocolate ( you changes into she , : and do change
into if or whether )
b. John said to Anne : do you like chocolate ?
into John asked Anne if or whether she liked chocolate ( you changes
into she, : and do change into if or whether, like changes into liked,
said to changes into asked )
c. John said to Anne : do you like
chocolate ? into John asked Anne if or whether she has liked chocolate (
you changes into she, : and do change into if or whether, like changes
into has liked, said to changes into asked )
2. Direct ( Simple Past Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Anne : did you like chocolate ? into John asked Anne if
or whether she had liked chocolate ( you changes into she, : and did
change into if or whether, liked changes into had liked, said to changes
into asked )
3. Direct ( Present Continous Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Continous Tense )
a. John said to Anne : are you reading ? into John asked Anne if or
whether she was reading ( you changes into she, : and are change into if
or whether, am changes into was, said to changes into asked )
4. Direct ( Present Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Anne : have you looked for him ? into John asked Anne
if or whether she had looked for him ( you changes into she, : and have
change into if or whether , have changes into had, said to changes into
asked )
5. Direct ( Past Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Anne : had you looked for him ? into John asked Anne if
or whether she had looked for him ( you changes into she, : and have
change into if or whether, said to changes into asked )
6. Direct ( Present Future Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Future Tense )
a. John said to Anne : will you look for him ? into John asked Anne if
or whether she would look for him ( you changes into she, : and will
change into if or whether , will changes into would, said to changes
into asked )
Direct and Indirect Speech
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan tak langsung.
There is four kinds of direct and indirect speech ( yes / no question, command, statement and introgative 5 W 1 H ) ( Ada empat jenis dari kalimat langsung dan tak langsung yaitu pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya atau tidak, kalimat perintah, pernyataan dan pertanyaan 5W 1H )
Tenses, change Direct into Indirect, but the tense doesn't change if the direct speech uses ask or asks, say or says, want or wants etc ( Verb inf of Subject ). ( Tenses berubah ketika kalimat langsung menjadi tak langsung, tetapi tenses tidak berubah jika kalimat langsung menggunakan ask atau asks, say atau says, want atau wants dll yaitu kata kerja infinitif dari subjek )
B. Formula for 5W 1H ( Rumus untuk 5W 1H )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject : The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Direct Speech )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject + one of 5W 1H + The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Indirect Speech )
1. Direct ( Simple Present Tense ) so Indirect ( Simple Past Tense or Present Perfect Tense )
a. John says : why do you hate rats ? into John says why he or she
hates rats ( you changes into he or she , : and why change into why )
b. John said : why do you hate rats ? into John aksed why he or she
hated rats ( you changes into he or she, : and why change into why, hate
changes into hated, said to changes into asked )
c. John said : why
do you hate rats ? into John asked why he or she has hated rats ( you
changes into he or she, : and why change into why, hate changes into has
hated, said to changes into asked )
2. Direct ( Simple Past Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said : why did you hate rats ? into John asked why he or she
had hated rats ( you changes into he or she, : and why change into why,
hate changes into had hated, said to changes into asked )
3. Direct ( Present Continous Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Continous Tense )
a. John said : What are you doing ? into John asked what he or she was
doing ( you changes into he or she, : and what change into what, am
changes into was, said to changes into asked )
4. Direct ( Present Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said : when have you looked for her ? into John asked when he
or she had looked for her ( you changes into he or she, : and when
change into when , have changes into had, said to changes into asked )
5. Direct ( Past Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said : when had you looked for her ? into John asked when he or
she had looked for her ( you changes into he or she, : and when change
into when, said to changes into asked )
6. Direct ( Present Future Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Future Tense )
a. John said : when will you look for her ? into John asked when he or
she would look for her ( you changes into he or she, : and when change
into when , will changes into would, said to changes into asked )
Direct and Indirect Speech
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, direct and indirect speech adalah kalimat langsung dan tak langsung.
There is four kinds of direct and indirect speech ( yes / no question, command, statement and introgative 5 W 1 H ) ( Ada empat jenis dari kalimat langsung dan tak langsung yaitu pertanyaan dengan jawaban ya atau tidak, kalimat perintah, pernyataan dan pertanyaan 5W 1H )
Tenses, change Direct into Indirect, but the tense doesn't change if
the direct speech uses ask or asks, say or says, want or wants
etc ( Verb inf of Subject ). ( Tenses berubah ketika kalimat langsung menjadi tak langsung, tetapi tenses tidak berubah jika kalimat langsung menggunakan ask atau asks, say atau says, want atau wants dll yaitu kata kerja infinitif dari subjek )
A. Formula for Statement ( Rumus untuk Pernyataan )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject : The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Direct Speech )
@. Subject + Verb inf of Subject + That + The Sentence That is Said by Subject ( Indirect Speech )
1. Direct ( Simple Present Tense ) so Indirect ( Simple Past Tense or Present Perfect Tense )
a. John says : I need help into John says that he needs help ( John changes into he, : changes into that )
b. John said to Jane : I need help into John asked that he needed help (
John changes into he, : changes into that, need changes into needed,
said to changes into asked )
c. John said to Jane : I need help into
John asked that he has needed help ( John changes into he, : changes
into that, need changes into has needed, said to changes into asked )
2. Direct ( Simple Past Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Jane : I needed help into John asked that he had needed
help ( John changes into he, : changes into that, needed changes into
had needed, said to changes into asked )
3. Direct ( Present Continous Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Continous Tense )
a. John said to Jane : I am looking for her into John asked that he was
looking for her ( John changes into he, : changes into that, am changes
into was, said to changes into asked )
4. Direct ( Present Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Jane : I have looked for her into John asked that he
had looked for her ( John changes into he, : changes into that, have
changes into had, said to changes into asked )
5. Direct ( Past Perfect Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Perfect Tense )
a. John said to Jane : I had looked for her into John asked that he had
looked for her ( John changes into he, : changes into that, said to
changes into asked )
6. Direct ( Present Future Tense ) so Indirect ( Past Future Tense )
a. John said to Jane : I will need help into John asked that he would
need help ( John changes into he, : changes into that, will changes into
would, said to changes into asked )
Kamis, Maret 01, 2012
Passive Voice ( Tobe + Verb 3 )
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, passive voice adalah kalimat pasif. Ciri gampang dari passive voice biasanya ditandai Tobe + kata kerja ketiga
A. Simple Present Tense
1. Subject + Tobe ( is, am, are ) + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
2. Subject + Tobe ( is, am, are ) + not + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Negative and Passive Sentence )
3. Tobe ( is, am, are ) + Subject + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
4. Tobe ( is, am, are ) + Subject + not + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
1. The story is written by me / them / us / you with a ink, poems aren't written by her / him with a pencil
2. The story isn't written by me / them / us /you with a ink, poems aren't written by her / him with a pencil
3. Is the story written by me / them / us / you with a ink ?, are poems written by her / him with a pencil?
4. Is the story not written by me / them / us / you with a ink ?, are poems not written by her, him with a pencil?
B. Simple Past Tense
5. Subject + Tobe ( was, were ) + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
6. Subject + Tobe ( was, were ) + not + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Negative and Passive Sentence )
7. Tobe ( was, were ) + Subject + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
8. Tobe (was, were ) + Subject + not + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
5. The story was written by me / them / us / you with a ink, poems weren't written by her / him with a pencil
6. The story wasn't written by me / them / us / you with a ink, poems weren't written by her / him with a pencil
7. Was the story written by me / them / us / you with a ink ?, were poems written by her / him with a pencil?
8. Was the story not written by me / them / us / you with a ink ?, were poems not written by her, him with a pencil?
C. Present Continous Tense
9. Subject + Tobe ( is, am, are ) + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
10. Subject + Tobe ( is, am, are ) + not + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
11. Tobe ( is, am, are ) + Subject + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
12. Tobe ( is, am, are ) + Subject + not + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
9. English is being studied hard by me, letter is being sent by her /
him / person name, basketball is being played by them / you / us
English isn't being studied hard by me, letter isn't being sent by her /
him / person name, basketball isn't being played by them / you / us
11. Is English being studied hard by me ?, is letter being sent by her /
him / person name ?, is basketball being played by them / you / us ?
12. Is English not being studied hard by me ?, is letter not being sent
by her / him / person name ?, is basketball not being played by them /
you / us ?
D. Past Continous Tense
13. Subject + Tobe ( were, was ) + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
14. Subject + Tobe ( were, was ) + not + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
15. Tobe ( were, was ) + Subject + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
16. Tobe ( were, was ) + Subject + not + being + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
13. English was being studied hard by me, letter was being sent by her /
him / person name, basketball was being played by them / you / us
14. English wasn't being studied hard by me, letter wasn't being sent by
her / him / person name, basketball wasn't being played by them / you /
15. Was English being studied hard by me ?, was letter being
sent by her / him / person name ?, was basketball being played by them /
you / us ?
16. Was English not being studied hard by me ?, was
letter not being sent by her / him / person name ?, was basketball not
being played by them / you / us ?
E. Present Perfect Tense
17. Subject + Auxiliary ( has, have ) + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
18. Subject + Auxiliary ( has, have ) + not + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
19. Auxiliary ( has, have ) + Subject + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
20. Auxiliary ( has, have ) + Subject + not + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
17. English has been studied hard by me, letter has been sent by her /
him / person name, basketball has been played by them / you / us
English hasn't been studied hard by me, letter hasn't been sent by her /
him / person name, basketball hasn't been played by them / you / us
19. Has English been studied hard by me ?, has letter been sent by her /
him / person name ?, has basketball been played by them / you / us ?
20. Has English not been studied hard by me ?, has letter not been sent
by her / him / person name ?, has basketball not been played by them /
you / us ?
F. Past Perfect Tense
21. Subject + Auxiliary ( had ) + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
22. Subject + Auxiliary ( had ) + not + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
23. Auxiliary ( had ) + Subject + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
24. Auxiliary ( had ) + Subject + not + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
21. English had been studied hard by me, letter had been sent by her /
him / person name, basketball had been played by them / you / us
English hadn't been studied hard by me, letter hadn't been sent by her /
him / person name, basketball hadn't been played by them / you / us
23. Had English been studied hard by me ?, had letter been sent by her /
him / person name ?, had basketball been played by them / you / us ?
24. Had English not been studied hard by me ?, had letter not been sent
by her / him / person name ?, had basketball not been played by them /
you / us ?
G. Present Future Tense / Simple Future Tense
25. E : Subject + Auxiliary ( will ) + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
26. Subject + Auxiliary ( will ) + not + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
27. Auxiliary ( will ) + Subject + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
28. Auxiliary ( will ) + Subject + not + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
25. English will be studied hard by me, letter will be sent by her /
him / person name, basketball will be played by them / you / us
English won't be studied hard by me, letter won't be sent by her / him /
person name, basketball won't be played by them / you / us
27. Will
English be studied hard by me ?, will letter be sent by her / him /
person name ?, will basketball be played by them / you / us ?
Will English not be studied hard by me ?, will letter not be sent by her
/ him / person name ?, will basketball not be played by them / you / us
H. Past Future Tense
29. Subject + Auxiliary ( would ) + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
30. Subject + Auxiliary ( would ) + not + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
31. Auxiliary ( would ) + Subject + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
32. Auxiliary ( would ) + Subject + not + be + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
29. English would be studied hard by me, letter would be sent by her /
him / person name, basketball would be played by them / you / us
English wouldn't be studied hard by me, letter wouldn't be sent by her /
him / person name, basketball wouldn't be played by them / you / us
31. Would English be studied hard by me ?, would letter be sent by her /
him / person name ?, would basketball be played by them / you / us ?
32. Would English not be studied hard by me ?, would letter not be sent
by her / him / person name ?, would basketball not be played by them /
you / us ?
I. Present Future Perfect Tense / Future Perfect Tense
33. Subject + Auxiliary ( will ) + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
34. Subject + Auxiliary ( will ) + not + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
35. Auxiliary ( will ) + Subject + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3 +
Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
36. Auxiliary ( will ) + Subject + not + Auxiliary ( have ) + been +
Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
33. English will have been studied hard by me, letter will have been
sent by her / him / person name, basketball will have been played by
them / you / us
34. English will have been studied hard by me,
letter will have been sent by her / him / person name, basketball will
have been played by them / you / us
35. Will English have been
studied hard by me ?, will letter have been sent by her / him / person
name ?, will basketball have been played by them / you / us ?
Will English not have been studied hard by me ?, will letter not have
been sent by her / him / person name ?, will basketball not have been
played by them / you / us ?
J. Past Future Perfect Tense
37. Subject + Auxiliary ( would ) + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
38. Subject + Auxiliary ( would ) + Auxiliary ( have ) + not + been +
Verb 3 + Object + Adverb ( Positive and Passive Sentence )
Auxiliary ( would ) + Subject + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3 +
Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Positive Sentence )
Auxiliary ( would ) + Subject + not + Auxiliary ( have ) + been + Verb 3
+ Object + Adverb ? ( Introgative, Passive and Negative Sentence )
37. English would have been studied hard by me, letter would have been
sent by her / him / person name, basketball would have been played by
them / you / us
38. English wouldn't have been studied hard by me,
letter wouldn't have been sent by her / him / person name, basketball
wouldn't have been played by them / you / us
39. Would English have
been studied hard by me ?, would letter have been sent by her / him /
person name ?, would basketball have been played by them / you / us ?
40. Would English not have been studied hard by me ?, would letter not
have been sent by her / him / person name ?, would basketball not have
been played by them / you / us ?
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