Sabtu, Februari 18, 2012
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, advertisement adalah iklan.
Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an
audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some new
action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior
with respect to a commercial offering, although political and
ideological advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may
also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable
or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and
viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as
newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement,
outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as websites and
text messages. ( Periklanan adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menganjurkan atau mengajak pemirsa seperti penonton, pembaca atau pendengar untuk melanjutkan atau mengambil beberapa langkah baru. Paling sering, hasil yang diinginkan adalah untuk mendorong tindakan konsumen sehubungan dengan penawaran komersial, bahkan periklanan ideologi dan politik juga sering. Tujuan dari periklanan mungkin untuk meyakinkan karyawan atau pemegang saham bahwa suatu perusahaan dapat berjalan terus dan sukses. Pesan periklanan biasanya dibayar oleh sponsor untuk dilihat oleh berbagai media tradisional, termasuk media massa seperti koran, majalah, komersial televisi, iklan radio, iklan luar ruangan atau surat langsung, atau media baru seperti website dan pesan teks. )
We're looking for five designers to re-design newspaper ads for us
under a weekly contract for a period of three months. The process would
work as follows:
1. We would send you a batch of 100 newspaper ads in PDF form on a set day every week
2. You would then redesign each one of these ads into a form that is
more visually appealing. In some ads, you will be able to use the
company website for reference (where this is listed on the original ad).
On others you would be simply designing something more graphically
appealing from your experience
3. Once done you would lay up
the old and new ads onto a pre-designed before and after
makeover/re-design sheet (see reference attached). While doing this you
would also choose from a pre-existing list of points that justify the
new artwork and drop these onto this proof as well. (again see bottom of
reference artwork - you don't have to write these, just select the
relevant points from a list)
4. Once completed you would email us back 100 sheets worth of artwork.
Typically these ad redesigns take around 30 minutes to 1 hour each, so
producing 100 ads would be a solid weeks work (somewhere between 40-60
hours depending on your skill level.
To start the process off,
we will send you a batch of ten ads, along with a set of instructions on
how we like these done. We will critique this first lot and you may be
required to re-do some of this artwork in order to get it right. This is
a necessary part of the training process as we do expect anyone to get
it right first time.
Once we are comfortable that you know what
we are trying to achieve, we will send you the balance of those 100 ads
for the first week, plus 100 per week thereafter.
To apply for
this work, you will need to be able to set-up this artwork in
Illustrator, preferably version 10, as we need the artwork formatted in
such a way that we are able to work with the files you have created on
an ongoing basis. You will also need to be PC based.
Relative Pronouns
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, relative pronouns adalah kata ganti penghubung.
Relative Pronouns consist of who, whom, whose, which and that, can be interpreted 'yang' ( Relative Pronouns terdiri dari who, whom, whose, which atau that, bisa ditafsirkan 'yang' )
1. Who
Who is used for the people, relative pronoun as subject ( Who digunakan untuk orang, kata ganti penghubung sebagai subjek )
a. Subject + Who + Verb + Adverb, who is located between Subject and Verb
b. Subject + Who + Modal + Verb 1 + Adverb, who is located between Subject and Modal
c. Subject + Who + Tobe + Verb 3 + by ..., who is located between Subject and Tobe
d. Subject + Who + Modal + be + Verb 3 + by ..., who is located between Subject and Modal
a. The girl who is reading the Novel in that room is my English teacher
( The girl is my English teacher. She is reading the Novel. )
She who can make to believe everyone about that event is my aunt ( She
is my aunt. She can make to believe everyone about that event. )
The girl who is loved by him is the friendship of my friend ( The girl
is the friendship of my friend. She is loved by him. )
d. The man who will be married by her is the kind hearted man ( The man is kind hearted man. He will be married by her. )
2. Whom
Whom is used for the people, relative pronoun as object ( Whom digunakan untuk orang, kata ganti penghubung sebagai objek )
a. Object + Whom + Subject, whom is located between Object and Subject
a. The woman whom i have talked to will buy a new house ( I have talked to the woman. She will buy a new house. )
b. The girl whom Sally is going with has ever been to Indonesia country
( Sally is going with the girl. She has ever been to Indonesia country.
3. Whose
Whose is used for stating possession ( Whose digunakan untuk menyatakan kepemilikan atau kepunyaan )
a. Subject + Whose + Possesion of Subject, whose is located between Subject and Possesion of Subject
a. The man whose wife died last week is my teacher ( The man is my teacher. His wife died last week. )
b. The girl whose bag was stolen went with you yesterday doesn't like
you ( The girl went with you yesterday. She doesn't like you. Her bag
was stolen. )
c. The woman whose umbrella is green is as old as my
grandmother ( The woman is as old as my grandmother. Her umbrella is
green. )
4. Which or That
Which or That is used for the noun, relative pronoun as subject or object ( Which atau That digunakan untuk benda, kata ganti penghubung sebagai subjek atau objek )
a. Subject + Which / That + Verb, which or that is located between Subject and Verb
b. Object + Which / That + Subject, which or that is located between Object and Subject
c. Subject + Which / That + Tobe + Adjective, which or that is located between Subject and Tobe
d. Subject + Which / That + Modal + be + Verb 3, which or that is located between Subject and Modal
e. Object + Which / That + Modal + Verb 1, which or that is located between Object and Modal
f. Subject + Which / That + Modal + be + Verb 3, which or that is located between Subject and Modal
a. The bag that / which is lying on the desk is Helen's ( The bag is Helen's. It's lying on the desk. )
b. The newspaper that / which Pedro gave you was very interesting ( Pedro gave you the newspaper. It was very interesting. )
c. The painting that / which is very beautiful is his ( The painting is his. It's very beautiful. )
d. The bird that / which can be created the spectacle is Mira's ( The bird is Mira's. It can be created the spectacle. )
e. I've just heard something that / which will surprise you ( I've heard something. It will surprise you )
f. Something that / which will be said is about him ( Something is about him. It will be said. )
Degrees of Comparison
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, degrees of comparison adalah derajat perbandingan antar hal.
The adjective and adverb have three degrees of comparison ( Kata sifat dan keterangan mempunyai tiga derajat perbandingan antar hal )
1. Positive Degree ( The adjective that doesn't undergone the change yet ) ( Kata sifat yang belum mengalami perubahan )
a. Subject + Tobe + Adjective or Positive Degree
b. Subject + Tobe + Positive Degree as Object
c. Subject + Verb + Positive Degree as Object
a. She is very polite
b. She is a polite girl
c. She has many time
2. Comparative Degree ( Degree of More / er ) ( Tingkatan lebih )
Er that is written after the adjective is used for one syllable, More is used for over of one syllable ( Er yang ditulis setelah kata sifat digunakan untuk satu suku kata, More digunakan untuk lebih dari satu suku kata )
a. Subject + Tobe + Comparative Degree ( More ) + Adjective + than + ...
b. Subject + Verb + Comparative Degree ( More )
c. Subject + Tobe + Comparative Degree ( er ) as Object
d. Subject + Tobe + Adjective + Comparative Degree ( er ) + than + ...
a. She is more beautiful than the artist
b. Jack reads more
c. She is my elder sister
d. He is the smarter than me
3. Superlative Degree ( Degree of Most / est ) ( Tingkatan Paling )
Est that is written after the adjective is used for one syllable, Most is used for over of one syllable ( Est yang ditulis setelah kata sifat digunakan untuk satu suku kata, Most digunakan untuk lebih dari satu suku kata )
a. Subject + Tobe + Superlative Degree ( Most ) + Adjective
b. Subject + Tobe + Superlative Degree ( Most / est ) as Object
c. Subject + Verb + Superlative Degree ( Most /est ) as Object
a. She is the most perfect
b. Rino is the most famous person in the world, Rino is the smartest man in the world
c. She looks the most beautiful, she looks the best
There is some words if it's given er or est, it will change. It called The Irregular Degree ( Ada beberapa kata jika itu diberi er atau est, itu akan berubah. Itu yang dinamakan tingkatan yang tak beraturan )
1. good - better - best
2. bad - worse - worst
3. many - more - most
4. much - more - most
5. little - less - least
6. far - farther - farthest
7. old - elder - eldest
8. further - furthest
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, preference adalah sesuatu yang lebih disukai atau disenangi.
The sentence that uses like, prefer, would rather and would prefer with
it has the mean to state 'pilihan' or 'lebih suka' on something ( do
the job ) than the other thing ( do the other job ). ( Kalimat yang menggunakan kata like, prefer, would rather dan would prefer dengan kalimat it dimaksudkan memiliki arti untuk menyatakan 'pilihan' atau 'lebih suka' pada sesuatu hal ( melakukan pekerjaan ) daripada hal yang lain ( melakukan pekerjaan ). )
There is four preference sentence patterns ( Ada empat pola kalimat preference )
1. Use Like ( Penggunaan kata Like )
a. Subject + Like + Noun + Better Than + Noun
b. Subject + Like + Noun + Better Not Than + Noun
c. Subject + Like + Verb 1 + ing + Better Than + Verb 1 + ing
d. Subject + Like + Verb 1 + ing + Better Not Than + Verb 1 + ing
a. I like chocolate better than milk
b. I like chocolate better not than chocolate
c. I like reading better than swimming
d. I like reading better not than swimming
2. Use Prefer ( Penggunaan kata Prefer )
a. Subject + Prefer + Noun + To + Noun
b. Subject + Prefer + Not + To + Noun
c. Subject + Prefer + Verb 1 + ing + To + Verb 1 + ing
d. Subject + Prefer + Not + To + Verb 1 + To + Verb 1 + ing
a. I prefer romance to poetry
b. I prefer not romance to poetry
c. I prefer writing poem to reading poem
d. I prefer not to write poem to reading poem
3. Use Would Rather ( Penggunaan kata Would Rather )
a. Subject + Would Rather + Verb inf + Than + Verb inf
b. Subject + Would Rather + Not + Verb inf + Than + Verb inf
c. Subject + Would Rather + Verb inf + Noun + Than + Noun
d. Subject + Would Rather + Not + Verb inf + Noun + Than + Noun
a. I would rather write than read
b. I would rather not write than read
c. I would rather write poem than story
d. I would rather not write poem than story
4. Use Would Prefer ( Penggunaan kata Would Prefer )
a. Subject + Would Prefer + To + Verb inf + Rather Than + Verb inf
b. Subject + Would Prefer + Not + To + Verb inf + Rather Than + Verb inf
c. Rather Than + Verb inf + Subject + Would Prefer + To + Verb inf
d. Rather Than + Verb inf + Subject + Would Prefer + Not + To + Verb inf
a. I would prefer to play chess rather than write poem
b. I would prefer not to play chess rather than write poem
c. Rather than play chess i would prefer to write poem
d. Rather than play chess i would prefer not to write poem
Demonstrative Pronouns
Dalam Bahasa Indonesia yaitu kata ganti penunjuk.
Demonstrative Pronouns is like this, that, those and these ( Kata ganti penunjuk adalah seperti ini tunggal, itu tunggal, itu jamak, ini jamak )
@ This is used for singular of 'ini' ( This digunakan untuk sesuatu yang tunggal artinya ini )
@ That is used for singular of 'itu' ( That digunakan untuk sesuatu yang tunggal artinya itu )
@ Those is used for plural of 'itu' ( Those digunakan untuk sesuatu yang jamak artinya itu )
@ These is used for plural of 'ini' ( These digunakan untuk sesuatu yang jamak artinya ini )
@ This + Tobe ( is, was ) + Singular Noun
@ That + Tobe ( is, was ) + Singular Noun
@ Those + Tobe ( are, were ) + Plural Noun
@ These + Tobe ( are, were ) + Plural Noun
@ This is a spoon
@ That is a hen
@ These are pigeons
@ Those are parrots
Tips Menentukan Inti Cerita
1. Apabila ditanya topik or inti cerita di wacana or teks, kebetulan
terdapat istilah yang diapit tanda petik dan istilah itu sedang menjadi
ulasan, maka topik dari paragraf tersebut adalah istilah tersebut.
2. Apabila ditanya topik, harus diingat bahwa topik dalam Bahasa
Inggris disampaikan hanya dalam 2 cara yaitu deduktif tereksplisit di
kalimat awal dan induktif di kalimat akhir. Namun kebanyakan teks soal
selalu mengambil bentuk teks ilmiah yang dinyatakan secara deduktif.
Maka untuk mencari pertanyaan dari topik, tinggal saja mencari diantara
pilihan jawaban yang sama or mirip or senada dengan kalimat awal di
wacana dan itulah jawabannya. Bila tidak ada pilihan jawaban yang
bermakna sama dengan kalimat dari wacana, baru dilihat kalimat terakhir
dari wacana. Itulah induktif.
3. Langkah mencari pikiran utama ( main information / main idea )
a. Mencari pilihan pada pertanyaan pikiran utama yang kata-katanya /
kalimatnya sama or searti dengan yang ada pada jawaban topik karena
pikiran utama hanyalah suatu penembangan topik. Topik dan pikiran utama
akan membicarakan hal yang sama.
b. Apabila ada urutan seperti
dinyatakan dengan ungkapan seperti first..., second... dst atau one...,
two..., dst atau dengan urutan a or b or c maka yang diurutkannya itulah
pikiran utama, sementara pengurutnya hanya merupakan pemberian or
pikiran pendukung / penjabaran.
c. Langkah lain adalah dengan
menggabungkan gagasan pada kalimat pertama dan kedua dari wacana. Hasil
penggabungan akan menjadi pikiran utama.
d. Alternatif langkah
yang lain lagi, bisa dengan menggabungkan gagasan pada kalimat pertama
dan gagasan dari kalimat terakhir ( gabungan deduktif dan induktif :
campuran ).
Urutan diatas menunjukkan prioritas, jadi rumus 3b
digunakan bila dengan rumus 3a jawaban belum ditemukan, dan rumus 3c
digunakan bila dengan rumus 3a dan 3b jawaban tidak ditemukan.
Tips Menjawab Wacana Panjang ( Longer Reading )
1. Apabila ditanya simpulan ( conclusion ), gabungkanlah intisari gagasan pada paragraf pertama dan terakhir.
2. Apabila ditanya tujuan utama penulis menuliskan teks tersebut,
intisari paragraf pertama dalah jawabannya. Apabila terdapat sebuah
kalimat pertanyaan pada paragraf pertama, maka pertanyaan itu adalah
gambaran dari tujuan penulis akan hal yang hendak disampaikan.
3. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan sebab akibat ( dengan ciri why ... ?, or
because or as or since ... ), maka pertama dalah mencari pernyataan yang
sama dengan kalimat soal di wacana. Bila sudah didapatkan, melihat satu
kalimat sebelum dan atau sesudah kalimat tadi. Jawaban biasanya
terletak pada satu kalimat sebelum dan atau sesudah pernyataan kalimat
yang sama dengan soal tadi.
4. Apabila ditanya inti cerita (
dengan ciri soal : the text tells us about ..., what is the text about
?, what is suitable title for the text ?, maka untuk menjawabnya,
membaca setiap kalimat pertama dari setiap paragraf lalu menggabung
5. Untuk menjawab pertanyaan melengkapi gagasan,
tinggal saja melihat di cerita, pernyataan yang sama dengan soal dan
melihat kelanjutan kalimat tersebut, itulah jawabannya.
Curriculum Vitae ( CV )
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, curriculum vitae adalah daftar riwayat hidup. Ini disertakan dalam 1 amplop dengan surat lamaran pekerjaan.
Name : Dwi Noviana ( Name : Nama )
Mailing Address : Jl. MT. Haryono VII / 37 ( Mailing Address : Alamat Pengiriman Pos )
Malang 65100
Contact Number : 1. 0341-569346 ( Contact Number : Nomor Kontak )
2. 08125261609
Place & Date of Birth : Banyuwangi, November 27, 1979 ( Pace and Date of Birth : Tempat, Tanggal Lahir )
Sex : Female ( Sex : Jenis Kelamin )
Marital Status : Single ( Marital Status : Status Perkawinan )
Religion : Moslem ( Religion : Agama )
Nationality : Indonesian ( Nationality : Kebangsaan )
1. 1986 – 1992 State Elementary School Kaligondo 1 Genteng
2. 1992 – 1995 State Junior High School 1 Genteng
3. 1995 – 1998 State Senior High School 2 Genteng
4. 2000 – 2003 Accounting Department
State Polytechnic Of Malang
GPA ( IPK ) = 2.90 (scale 4)
PREDICATE = Very Satisfactory ( PREDIKAT : Sangat Memuaskan )
August – September 2002 On the job training at PT. Jasa Raharja
(Persero) Malang
August 2001 English Course at EL RAHMA
May 2003 TOEFL Test at State Polytechnic Of Malang
Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Power Point, Myob, Visual Foxpro
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