Minggu, Maret 25, 2012


Dalam bahasa Indonesia, Syllable adalah Suku Kata.
 A syllable is the sound of a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) that's created when pronouncing a word. ( Sebuah suku kata adalah suara dari sebuah huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o) yang dibuat ketika mengucapkan kata )

The number of times that you hear the sound of a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) in a word is equal to the number of syllables the word has.
Jumlah kali yang anda dengar suara huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o) dalam sebuah kata adalah sama dengan jumlah suku kata yang dimiliki pada kata yang diucapkan tersebut )

• cake - has 1 syllable
( memiliki 1 suku kata )
• eat - has 1 syllable ( memiliki 1 suku kata )
• cheese - has 1 syllable ( memiliki 1 suku kata )
• eating - has 2 syllables (eat - ing) ( memiliki 2 suku kata )
• chicken - has 2 syllables (chick - en) ( memiliki 2 suku kata )
• worrying - has 3 syllables (wor - ry - ing) ( memiliki 3 suku kata )

Syllables Rules
( Tata Aturan Syllable )

• A syllable is the sound of a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) that's created when

pronouncing a word. ( Sebuah suku kata adalah suara huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o) yang dibuat ketika mengucapkan kata )
• The number of times that you hear the sound of a vowel (a, e, i, o, u) in a word is equal to the number of syllables the word has. ( Jumlah kali yang anda dengar suara huruf vokal (a, i, u, e, o) dalam sebuah kata adalah sama dengan jumlah suku kata yang dimiliki pada kata yang diucapkan tersebut )
How To Find Syllables ( Cara untuk Menemukan Suku Kata )
• Count the number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u, and sometimes y) in the word. ( Menghitung jumlah huruf hidup (a, i, u, e, o dan terkadang y) dalam kata tersebut )
• Subtract any silent vowels (like the silent 'e' at the end of a word). ( Mengurangi setiap vokal diam (seperti yang diam 'e' dari sebuah kata pada the end) )
• Subtract 1 vowel from every diphthong. ( Mengurangi 1 huruf vokal dari setiap diftong atau bunyi rangkap )
* A diphthong is when two volwels make only 1 sound (oi, oy, ou, ow, au, aw, oo, ...). ( Sebuah diftong atau bunyi rangkap adalah ketika dua huruf vokal membuat hanya 1 suara (oi, oy, ou, ow, au, aw, oo, ...) )
• The number you are left with should be the number of vowels in the word. ( Jumlah yang telah ditinggalkan dengan jumlah huruf vokal yang seharusnya dalam kata tersebut )
How To Divide A Word Into Syllables ( Cara Membagi Sebuah Kata Menjadi Suku Kata )
• Divide off any compound words, prefixes, suffixes, and root words that have vowels. ( Membagi dari kata majemuk apapun, awalan, akhiran dan kata - kata akar yang memiliki huruf hidup. )
* sports/car, house/boat, un/happy, pre/paid, re/write, farm/er, hope/less
• Divide between two middle consonants ( Membagi antara dua huruf konsonan tengah )
* hap/pens, bas/ket, let/ter, sup/per, din/ner
* Never split up consonant digraphs as they really represent only one sound ("th", "sh", "ph", "th", "ch", and "wh"). ( Jangan pernah berpisah digraf huruf konsonan karena mereka hanya mewakili satu suara ("th", "sh", "ph", "th", "ch", dan "wh") )
• Usually divide before a single consonant. ( Biasanya membagi sebuah sebuah huruf konsonan tunggal )
* o/pen, i/tem, e/vil, re/port.
* The only exceptions are those times when the first syllable has an obvious short sound, as in "cab/in". ( Satu - satunya pengecualian adalah saat suku kata pertama memiliki suara pendek yang jelas, seperti dalam "cab/in" )
• Divide before an "-le" syllable. ( Membagi sebelum sebuah suku kata "-le" )
* a/ble, fum/ble, rub/ble, mum/ble
* The only exceptions are "ckle" words like "tick/le". ( Hanya pengecualian adalah "ckle" seperti kata "tick/le" )

Example of Conversation Gambit

3. How To Say Good Bye ( Cara Mengatakan Selamat Tinggal )

Saying Good Bye or Leave Taking or Parting
( Ucapan Selamat Tinggal atau Perpisahan )

* It is nice or great talking to you
* I'm sorry. I have to go now
* Good Bye
* Bye Bye
* Bye
* See you later
* See you again
* See you tomorrow
* See you
* I am afraid it's time to say good bye
* I think it's time for me to ...
* It is nice or great meeting you
* See you soon
* I think i must be verb 1 + ing
* I am afraid we will have to verb 1

Response of Saying Good Bye or Leave Taking or Parting ( Respon dari Ucapan Selamat Tinggal atau Perpisahan )

* Good Bye. Take care
* Bye. Be careful
* I hope so
* Good bye
* Bye
* Bye for now
* It is nice or great meeting you, too
* It is nice or great talking to you, too
* See you soon
* See you later
* See you again
* See you tomorrow
* See you

Example of Conversation Gambit

2. How To Introduce ( Cara Berkenalan )

( Perkenalan )

* I'm ...
* My name is ..., what's your name ?
* Please call me ...
* I'm so pleased to meet you
* How do you do. ( It's a introduction greeting, and replied with "how do you do" too ) ( Itu adalah sebuah salam perkenalan dan dibalas dengan "how do you do" juga )
* I've been looking forward to meeting you. I'm ...
* So glad to meet you
* May i introduce my self ?
* Nice to meet you
* How do you do
* Where do you live ?
* Would you like to introduce yourself ?
* Where do you come from ?
* What is your address ?

Response of Introduction ( Respon dari Perkenalan )

* I live ...
* I come from ...
* Hello
* How do you do.
* So glad to meet you, too
* Nice to meet you, too
* How do you do

Example of Conversation Gambit

1. Meeting and Greeting ( Pertemuan dan Sapaan )
Giving Greeting ( Memberikan Sapaan )

* Good afternoon ( from midday or lunch time to about 6 p.m or sunset ) ( dari tengah hari atau waktu makan siang hingga sekitar jam 6 sore atau matahari terbenam )
* Good morning ( from midnight to noon, it can be used by informal but just "morning" ) ( dari tengah malam hingga siang hari, itu bisa digunakan secara informal tetapi hanya "morning" )
* Good evening ( day between afternoon and bedtime ) ( hari antara setelah siang hari hingga waktu tidur )
* Good night ( darkness between sunset and sunrise, it often can be used for the separation part at night ) ( kegelapan antara matahari terbenam dan matahari terbit, itu seringkali bisa digunakan untuk bagian perpisahan pada malam hari )
* How are you ?
* How is about you ?
* How is everything ?
* How is your day ?
* How nice to see you !
* What a pleasent surprise !
* What's new ?
* Long time, no see.
* Hello
* Hi
* How are things with you ?
* How are you doing ?
* How are you feeling ?
* How is it going ?
* Nice to meet you
* Glad to see you

Response of Giving Greeting ( Respon dari Memberikan Sapaan )

* Good afternoon, too
* Good morning, too
* Good evening, too
* Good night, too
* Well or bad or fine, thanks or thank you. And you ?
* Not much
* Nothing
* Yeah
* I'm so busy
* I'm afraid, i'm not so well
* I'm feeling sick or i feel sick
* Yes, it's quite a while
* Nice to meet you, too
* Glad to see you, too