Selasa, Januari 31, 2012

10 Daftar Rekor yang Dimiliki oleh Negara Indonesia

1. Republik Indonesia merupakan Negara kepulauan terbesar di dunia yang terdiri dari 17.504 pulau, termasuk 9.634 pulau yang belum diberi nama dan 6.000 pulau yang tidak berpenghuni.
2. Indonesia memiliki 3 dari 6 pulau terbesar didunia, yaitu Pulau Kalimantan (pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia dgn luas 539.460 km2), Pulau Sumatera (473.606 km2) dan Pulau Papua (421.981 km2)
3. Indonesia adalah Negara maritim terbesar di dunia dengan perairan seluas 93 ribu km2 dan panjang pantai sekitar 81 ribu km2 atau hampir 25% panjang pantai di dunia.
4. Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan suku bangsa yang terbanyak di dunia. Terdapat lebih dari 740 suku bangsa/etnis, dimana di Papua saja terdapat 270 suku. Menggunakan 583 bahasa dan dialek dari 67 bahasa induk yang digunakan berbagai suku bangsa tersebut
5. Indonesia adalah penghasil gas alam cair (LNG) terbesar di dunia (20% dari suplai seluruh dunia) juga produsen timah terbesar kedua.
6. Indonesia memiliki Terumbu Karang (Coral Reef) terkaya di dunia (18% dari total dunia) dan memiliki species ikan hiu terbanyak di dunia (150 species).
7. Indonesia menempati peringkat pertama dalam produk pertanian, yaitu cengkeh (cloves) & pala (nutmeg), serta peringkat kedua dalam karet alam (Natural Rubber) dan minyak sawit mentah (Crude Palm Oil).
8. Indonesia adalah pengekspor terbesar kayu lapis (plywood), yaitu sekitar 80% di pasar dunia.
9. Indonesia memiliki biodiversity Anggrek terbesar didunia yaitu sekitar 6 ribu jenis anggrek, mulai dari yang terbesar (Anggrek Macan atau Grammatophyllum Speciosum) sampai yang terkecil (Taeniophyllum, yang tidak berdaun), termasuk Anggrek Hitam yang langka dan hanya terdapat di Papua.
10. Memiliki hutan bakau terbesar di dunia. Tanaman ini bermanfaat ntuk mencegah pengikisan oleh air laut atau abrasi pantai.

                         The Culture and The Art

Sometimes feel...
The culture and the art are important
But the human destroy them in a wink of time
Don't feel if it's a mistake
Just feel like nothing happen
Really it's very bad
Should keep them
Sholud make them everlasting
Should expand them
                           Must care them
                           in order to they aren't claimed
                           by the other countries, the other nations
                           Must save them
                           to show everyone
                           about the beauty of them
                           about the function of them
How do keep them???
How do make them ever lasting???
How do expand them???
That certain
Must the best thing for the culture and the art
It's the inheritance
from past
that don't know the certainty of beginning of them

                                                    Presented by Ayu Yulia Yang



                 MOS Often Pro and Contra

When the sun begin dark
When the heart begin closing
When the eyes don't wink again
                      But the spirit flare up constantly
                      Look up tomorrow
                      that is still
                      full of the question mark

But really...
The live is full of the challenge
Come to the new school
Start the new teaching
Must join MOS 

                     MOS is Students Orientation Time
                     There is many shocks
                     Must use the special accessories
                     Sometimes, it's very overdo
                     Sometimes, it's very bored
                     But like walk on everything of life
                     Certain there's something
                     that is better of
                     something that's gotten

                                                      Presented by Ayu Yulia Yang

       Symbol of The Dress              


It's something that cover

the genitals which mean

can't be valuated worldly

It has a symbol

because if we wear

We can be sighted polite and good

We can be sighted bad too


                         It has also the other symbol

                         It can be also the personality of someone

                         It can also show the class of social

                         Besides of that

                         It can show 

                         that it has been trendy or not yet


But actually...

It isn't important

Because it has just the worldly character

Never taken die

Not belongs to the charitable deeds

Exactly, it can be

Obstacle in the world here after

                                                                                            Presented by Ayu Yulia Yang


                        The Live Without The Drugs

Try opening the window
Walk through everything
that is determined
Go along the life secret
Explore the living figure
with various of the character

                          Often we forget everything
                          Trapped in the black holes
                          Difficult to go out
                          Breathe without the holiness
The black hole
is example like the drugs
Many people often want to go out
Because of the feeling of curiosity
Why is it bad???

                          How the bad it is...!!!
                          Last, just remorse regret 
                          that is said
                          Sad... Really sad...
                          Look at the future
                          Full of the darkness
                          Where will stride???
                          Come on the all
                          Together pass through
                          The live without the drugs
                          Say no to drugs

                                                                              Presented by Ayu Yulia Yang