Question Tag
Dalam bahasa Indonesia, question tag adalah kutipan pertanyaan
Question Tag is introgative sentence that located after news or command
sentence, the sentences link to each other. It divided to two points
are (
Question tag adalah kalimat pertanyaan yang terletak setelah kalimat
berita atau perintah, kalimat - kalimat saling berhubungan satu sama
lain. Itu dibagi atas dua hal yaitu )
1. News Sentence, question tag ? ( there is subject ) ( Kalimat berita, kutipan pertanyaan ? ) ( ini untuk yang ada subjek )
2. Command sentence, question tag ? ( there isn't subject ) ( Kalimat Perintah, kutipan pertanyaan ? ) ( ini untuk yang tak ada subjek )
To make question tag must notice the subject that is always changed
with pronoun that is suitable, accept There. To make introgative
sentence must be always given Auxiliary Verb that is same or one
category with Auxiliary Verb on news sentence that relevant. Accept if
the news sentence uses auxiliary am so the question tag use are. If the
command and prohibition sentence use question tag will you. If the
appeal sentence uses the question tag won't you. If the invitation
sentence uses the question tag shall we. If the compound sentence uses
the question tag that is seen from the main sentence. If the news
sentence use every that the question tag is the auxiliary verb that is
contrast of the news sentence with given the word 'they' after comma. If
the news sentence is positive so the question tag is negative. But
there is the positive word that has the negative meaning like Never, Hardly, Seldom, Rarely, A few, A little, No so the question tag is still
positive same as the news sentence. Auxiliary Verb like am, is, are,
was, were, can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should,
have, had, need, dare, ought to, used to, do, does, did. Auxiliary Verb
do, does and did used for the sentence that hasn't auxiliary verb, of
course notice verb. Auxiliary Verb am uses the question tags aren't. But
if the auxiliary verb am not still use the question tag am. ( Untuk membuat kutipan pertanyaan harus memperhatikan subjek yang selalu berubah dengan kata ganti yang sesuai kecuali There. Untuk membuat kalimat pertanyaan harus selalu diberikan kata kerja bantu yang sama atau satu kategori dengan kata kerja bantu pada kalimat berita yang bersangkutan. Kecuali jika kalimat berita menggunakan kata kerja bantu am maka kutipan pertanyaan menggunakan are. Jika kalimat perintah dan larangan menggunakan will you. Jika kalimat himbauan menggunakan kutipan pertanyaan won't you. Jika kalimat ajakan menggunakan kutipan pertanyaan shall we. Jika kalimat majemuk menggunakan kutipan pertanyaan yang dilihat dari kalimat utama atau induk kalimat. Jika kalimat berita menggunakan every sehingga kutipan pertanyaan adalah kata kerja bantu yang berlawanan dari kalimat berita dengan diberikan kata 'they' setelah koma. Jika kalimat berita adalah positif maka kutipan pertanyaan adalah negatif. Tetapi ada kata positif yang memiliki makna negatif seperti Never, Hardly, Seldom, Rarely, A few, A little, No maka kutipan pertanyaan masih kalimat positif sama seperti kalimat berita. Kata kerja bantu seperti am, are, was, were, can, could, may, might, must, will, would, shall, should, have, had, need, dare, ought to, used to, do, does, did. Kata kerja bantu do, does dan did digunakan untuk kalimat yang tak mempunyai kata kerja bantu, tentu saja memperhatikan kata kerja. Kata kerja bantu am menggunakan kutipan pertanyaan aren't. Tetapi jika kata kerja bantu am not maka kutipan pertanyaan masih tetap am )
Use Auxiliary Verb or None Auxiliary Verb ( Penggunaan Kata Kerja Bantu atau tanpa Kata Kerja Bantu )
1. Indonesian people eat rice, don't they ?
2. Mr. Smith drinks coffee in the morning, doesn't he ?
3. We saw a great film, didn't we ?
4. Amir isn't watching TV, is he ?
5. Mrs. Caroline ought to do the work now, oughtn't she ?
Use The word 'There' ( Penggunaan Kata 'There' )
1. There are many books, aren't there ?
Use The Command and Prohibition Sentence ( Penggunaan Kalimat Perintah dan Larangan )
1. Don't close the window, will you ?
2. Open the door, will you ?
Use The Appeal Sentence ( Penggunan Kalimat Himbauan )
1. Be patient, won't you ?
Use The Invitation Sentence ( Penggunaan Kalimat Ajakan )
1. Let's check it out, shall we ?
Use The Compound Sentence ( Penggunaan Kalimat Majemuk )
1. You believed that she was a liar, didn't you ?
2. When she arrived, the man was cutting the tree, wasn't he ?
Use The Positive Word that has The Negative Meaning ( Penggunaan Kata Positif yang Memiliki Makna Negatif )
1. John can hardly see the mark, can he ?
2. She has nothing, does she ?
Use The Word 'Every' ( Penggunaan Kata 'Every' )
1. Every body is ready, aren't they ?
Use Auxiliary Verb 'Am' and 'Am Not' ( Penggunaan Kata Kerja Bantu 'Am' dan 'Am Not' )
1. I am your partner, aren't i ?
2. I am not your partner, am i ?
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