Sabtu, Februari 18, 2012

Dalam bahasa Indonesia, advertisement adalah iklan.

Advertising is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is also common. The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as websites and text messages. ( Periklanan adalah suatu bentuk komunikasi yang digunakan untuk menganjurkan atau mengajak pemirsa seperti penonton, pembaca atau pendengar untuk melanjutkan atau mengambil beberapa langkah baru. Paling sering, hasil yang diinginkan adalah untuk mendorong tindakan konsumen sehubungan dengan penawaran komersial, bahkan periklanan ideologi dan politik juga sering. Tujuan dari periklanan mungkin untuk meyakinkan karyawan atau pemegang saham bahwa suatu perusahaan dapat berjalan terus dan sukses. Pesan periklanan biasanya dibayar oleh sponsor untuk dilihat oleh berbagai media tradisional, termasuk media massa seperti koran, majalah, komersial televisi, iklan radio, iklan luar ruangan atau surat langsung, atau media baru seperti website dan pesan teks. )


We're looking for five designers to re-design newspaper ads for us under a weekly contract for a period of three months. The process would work as follows:

1. We would send you a batch of 100 newspaper ads in PDF form on a set day every week

2. You would then redesign each one of these ads into a form that is more visually appealing. In some ads, you will be able to use the company website for reference (where this is listed on the original ad). On others you would be simply designing something more graphically appealing from your experience

3. Once done you would lay up the old and new ads onto a pre-designed before and after makeover/re-design sheet (see reference attached). While doing this you would also choose from a pre-existing list of points that justify the new artwork and drop these onto this proof as well. (again see bottom of reference artwork - you don't have to write these, just select the relevant points from a list)

4. Once completed you would email us back 100 sheets worth of artwork.

Typically these ad redesigns take around 30 minutes to 1 hour each, so producing 100 ads would be a solid weeks work (somewhere between 40-60 hours depending on your skill level.

To start the process off, we will send you a batch of ten ads, along with a set of instructions on how we like these done. We will critique this first lot and you may be required to re-do some of this artwork in order to get it right. This is a necessary part of the training process as we do expect anyone to get it right first time.

Once we are comfortable that you know what we are trying to achieve, we will send you the balance of those 100 ads for the first week, plus 100 per week thereafter.

To apply for this work, you will need to be able to set-up this artwork in Illustrator, preferably version 10, as we need the artwork formatted in such a way that we are able to work with the files you have created on an ongoing basis. You will also need to be PC based.

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